Handy tips for ordering minesafe radiator caps and mansafe adaptors with Coxons

We answer your questions about minesafe radiator caps and mansafe adaptors.

Minesafe radiator caps and mansafe adaptors improve safety and operating efficiency in the mining sector. In this article, we cover the following commonly asked customer questions:

  • How do I measure and tell what size my cap is?
  • How do I tell what part number I need when ordering?
  • Why should I order with Coxons?
  • When do I need a mansafe?
  • To which models and machines are these products catering?

For expert advice on minesafe caps and mansafe adaptors, contact the team at Coxons.

Why buy minesafe radiator caps and mansafes from Coxons?

Coxons is one of the largest suppliers of minesafe radiator caps nationally, including to OEMs. So, as you’d expect, we have a full range of minesafe caps and mansafe adaptors including:

  • Brass pin lever release minesafe radiator caps
  • Brass pin lever release minesafe radiator caps with handles
  • Industrial pin lever release minesafe radiator caps
  • Caterpillar mansafe adaptors
  • Komatsu mansafe adaptors

The benefits of our minesafe radiator caps and mansafe adaptors

Our minesafe caps reduce coolant loss and assist in correct coolant system operations. They use a brass pin lever release to prevent scalding accidents. Our minesafe caps use no inferior plastic parts and are available with handles for extra ease of use and safety.

Our mansafe adaptors allow minesafe caps to be installed on applicable Caterpillar and Komatsu machines. Along with all the benefits of minesafe caps, our mansafe adaptors use a one-piece design with safety features to prevent scalding incidents if seals fail, and they require less maintenance than other designs.

The importance of safety in the mining sector

Our minesafe caps and mansafe adaptors are manufactured to meet ISO quality standards and Australian work, health and safety regulations in the mining industry. This ensures you are compliant with laws and are correctly protecting your workers from scalding injuries.

Violations of safety protocols by company owners attract heavy fines and sometimes even personal consequences for the directors of organisations. In an effort to decrease the number of safety incidents, you must ensure your equipment is fitted with safety compliant minesafe caps and mansafe units where required.

Ordering the right minesafe caps and mansafe adaptors for your machines

Which mansafe adaptor do I need?

Coxons is one of the largest suppliers of minesafe radiator caps nationally, including to OEMs. So, as you’d expect, we have a full range of minesafe caps and mansafe adaptors including:

  • Caterpillar mansafe adaptor
  • Caterpillar mansafe adaptor – small
  • Komatsu mansafe adaptor

How do I measure my minesafe radiator caps?

Minesafe radiator caps come in a variety of sizes to suit a full range of mining vehicles and equipment. The size indicated on your minesafe caps needs to match your machinery.

What size do I need & which part number should I order?

Refer to the table below to find the right measurements, corresponding sizes and part numbers of minesafe radiator caps and mansafe caps.

For a full list of radiator caps and adaptors available, download our minesafe catalogue.

Brass Pin Lever Release Radiator Caps

MeasurementSizePart NumberPressure
28mmSmallCAPCOXS1313psi / 90kPa
28mmSmallCAPCOXS1616psi / 110kPa
38mmMediumCAPCOXM77psi / 48kPa
38mmMediumCAPCOXM1010psi / 69kPa
38mmMediumCAPCOXM1313psi / 90kPa
38mmMediumCAPCOXM1616psi / 110kPa
38mmMediumCAPCOXM2222psi / 152kPa
51mmLargeCAPCOXL44psi / 28kPa
51mmLargeCAPCOXL77psi / 48kPa
51mmLargeCAPCOXL1010psi / 69kPa
51mmLargeCAPCOXL1313psi / 90kPa
51mmLargeCAPCOXL1616psi / 110kPa

What’s the difference between minesafe radiator caps and a mansafe adaptors?

Minesafe radiator caps are used in the mining industry to prevent scalding injuries to workers as they allow hot steam to be safely released by lifting a brass pin lever prior to removing the radiator cap.

Mansafe adaptors enable minesafe caps to be installed on applicable Caterpillar and Komatsu machines. They’re just another innovative solution to ensure your equipment falls in line with Australian safety laws.


Find the right minesafe cap for your machinery.

Call us on 1300 120 468 or contact Coxons for expert advice.